A new track, and the same great club
Left to Right – Steve Brace (Bridgend Athletics); Councillor Huw David (Leader of Bridgend CBC); Councillor John Spanswick (Mayor of BCBC); Councillor Susan Spanswick (Mayoress BCBC); Brian Davies OBE (Sport Wales CEO); Alan Kerr (Chair Bridgend Athletics); James Williams (Welsh Athletics CEO) Councillor Steven Bletsoe (Mayor of Bridgend Town Council) and Councillor Mrs Freya Bletsoe ( Mayoress of BCBC)
A New Track
In 1997 we opened this track.
“It was 24 years ago when you first opened, with Lynn Davies MBE here. The only thing we have in common is that we both come from Nantymoel. I’m not Lynn the leap, but I did do the high jump in school.” John Spanswick
And last year through significant effort the track was re-laid. Today we officially reopen the track.
We extend our thanks to Sport Wales, Bridgend County Borough Council, Bridgend Town Council.
They contributed half of the cost of the track. With £50,000 invested by the club itself. Over the last 20 years the members of this club have contributed this money in their membership, and events we organise. Without everyone’s support, this wouldn’t have happened.
“Bridgend is the only town in Wales that hosts a top flight rugby, cricket, and football team within the top leagues in Wales. And we can never forget what Bridgend Athletics does.” Steven Bletsoe
The same great club
“Bridgend Athletics is one of the greatest athletics clubs in Wales. It’s produced Welsh, British and World champions, and that’s only possible with generations of incredible volunteers. I was proud when you asked to us to invest in this. And I’m sure we’ll see many more generations of athletes achieving – for themselves, their club, county and country.” Huw David
In a timely coincidence, we recently re-branded the club. What was Bridgend Athletics Club, is now Bridgend Athletics, which leads into Welsh Athletics, and into British Athletics. The revamp is partly to distinguish us from other sports clubs in the area. But the name change also represents the pathway in the sport of track and field, cross country and road running – Bridgend Athletics leads to Welsh Athletics, and later British Athletics.
Brian Davies OBE, Sport Wales Acting Chief Executive Officer:
“Dame Tanni Grey-Thompson always mentions Bridgend track when she’s interviewed about her start in athletics. The track didn’t actually exist then, when she trained here. She used to train in the multi-story carpark, going up and down the ramp, with her coach holding up the traffic coming in.
It’s facilities like this that start the journey.”
The running order of the event
Names from across the Welsh sporting scene attended the re-opening of Bridgend athletics track.
First up was club chairman Alan Kerr, who passed the baton to name John Spanswick - Mayor of Bridgend County BC Councillor, followed by:
Councillor Huw David, Leader of Bridgend CBC
Brian Davies OBE, Sport Wales Acting Chief Executive Officer
James Williams, Welsh Athletics Chief Executive Officer
Councillor Steven Bletsoe, Mayor of Bridgend Town Council
Other distinguished attendees:
Bridgend County Borough Council Councillors and CBC Mayoress Councillor – Susan Spanswick
Bridgend Town Councillors and Mayoress Councillor Mrs Freya Bletsoe
Chairs of all the local running clubs, Bridgend AC Officers; Committee and Trustees, the coaches, officials, volunteers with the businesses, landowners and organisations that have supported the club
A one-man team
Presentation of the Welsh Athletics Meritorious Award to Mike Guest
What to say about Mike Guest... he epitomises a commitment to community and elite sport. As an athlete he joined the club in the early 90’s.
“He came as a decathlete, with prowess across all disciplines. I can remember one notable trip, either Wrexham or Colwyn Bay, where Mike managed to do nine events – a one-man team – going round, event to event. We stayed in the Welsh League with just a car full of us.” Steve Brace.
He later coached his sons David and Stephen to national and international standard. To this day he’s recycling his vast athletics knowledge for our youngsters. We’re proud to have Mike represent Bridgend Athletics. And are proud that Welsh Athletics have awarded him the Meritorious Award.
Mike Guest being presented his Meritorious Award from James Williams – Welsh Athletics CEO
Efforts of marathon proportions
While our invited guests took the podium to speak, our junior athletes were running lap after lap on London Marathon weekend. The target? To cover the marathon distance, twice, and raise enough money for a defibrillator of our own.
At the time of writing, we’ve raised a hefty £2,510 (with more to come in). £1,500 will get us the defibrillator we’ve had our eye on, and the rest will be put into junior development.
Our athletes ran 687 laps of our 300m track. Over 128 miles. Nearly 5 full marathons. The quickest marathon team effort was a swift 3:12:29.
A roll-call of those taking part, despite the grey and gloomy weather were:
Alex Clarke, Bel Durrant, Bethan Deeks, Calla Davies, Daisy Cowan-Baylis, Daisy Lewis, Eli Phillips, Ffion Calford, Ffion Howe, Flo Durrant,
Fraser Higginson, Freya Allen, Freya Helling, Gemma Price, Grace Baynham, Grace James, Grace Patterson, Hollie Lewis, Imogen Vecchi,
Isabelle Sheppard, Isobel Davies, Jacob Barnes, Jake Beynon, Joshua James Crump, Katy Griffiths, Lewis Barnes, Lili Whitcombe, Lily May Crump, Maya Hodges, Megane Howe, Noah Roberts, Rhydian Lloyd-Francis, Scarlett Hodges, Seren Hardman, Skye Evans, Sophie Coles, Sydney Spear, Tiffany Sheppeard, Tom Clarke, Tom Coles
“I’d like to pay tribute to all the parents, grandparents, all the people that get behind the sport. There’s a lot of people that contribute behind the scenes, making it happen. On days like this. Standing on the side lines. Getting wet.” John Spanswick
A few of the club youngsters completing their laps around the track in the Marathon Challenge in aid of an AED
Newbridge Fields Athletics Track and Bridgend Athletics Clubhouse.